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AT&TI’m pleased to introduce another new writer who has joined the Women on Business Contributor Team — Tracy Yu. Tracy is a writer and social media marketer with a passion for promoting women in the workforce. You can learn more about Tracy in her bio below.

Assure congregate me cozy Tracy to Opposite sex on Responsibility!

Tracy Yu is an tried and true person behind and social media person-in-charge. She is enormously insane near to women’s rights , feminism , in addition to announcing ladies the function strength.

Tracy has written because Her Way of life plus Skip Heard Weekly.

You may possibly notice extra of Tracy’s activity her surf the net range, and connect and her on Facebook or Instagram.

Susan Gunelius is the Founder also Editor-in-Chief of Women on Responsibility. She is a 20-year veteran of the promoting field also has authored ten books near to promoting, branding , and social media , not to mention the really accepted 30-Minute Social Media Selling, Satisfied Selling since Dummies, Blogging All-in-One since Dummies furthermore Kick-ass Copywriting in 10 Trouble-free Steps. Susan’s marketing-related pleased may possibly troth got wind of on,,,, with added. Susan is President & CEO of KeySplash Beneficial, Inc., a selling communications firm. She has worked commercial marketing roles with through client romances plus AT&T, HSBC, Citibank, Intuit, The Different York Times, Cox Communications, with several more gigantic plus petite firms around the real world. Susan further speaks about promoting, branding as well as social media at functions almost the real world plus is constantly interviewed by television, browse cyberspace, radio, furthermore print media organizations almost these subject matters. She holds an MBA in Management also Strategy also a Bachelor of Science degree Marketing.

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