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The 3 T’s Of Authority Building For Women

As a female director at a marketing authority company, I am unquenchably curious, both professionally and personally, as to how women secure themselves a place at the table – how they distinguish themselves in their fields and become the go-to experts. It’s tempting to think that since its 2017, women do it the same way as their male counterparts, through a fierce work ethic, deep experience, and a unique skill set. And the visibility of CEOs like General Motor’s Mary Barra, IBM’s Ginni Rometty, and PepsiCo’s Indra Noovi may give the impression that America’s largest companies are embracing female leadership. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

AmericaAs a female director at a marketing authority company, I am unquenchably curious, both professionally and personally, as to how women secure themselves a place at the table – how they distinguish themselves in their fields and become the go-to experts. It’s tempting to think that since its 2017, women do it the same way as their male counterparts, through a fierce work ethic, deep experience, and a unique skill set.

And the visibility of CEOs like General Motor’s Mary Barra, IBM’s Ginni Rometty, and PepsiCo’s Indra Noovi may give the impression that America’s largest companies are embracing female leadership. Continue reading “The 3 T’s Of Authority Building For Women”

3 Tips For Creating An Offering Around Your Expertise

You can use your life and work experience to help you create an amazing solution for others dealing with an issue you’ve faced. You see, what you have been through, what you have learned, and what you have come to feel passionately about may just be the root of a product, program, or service you can create to help others. As a personal branding consultant, I work with individuals to help them package their unique mix of gifts — expertise, skills, big ideas — into solutions to others’ problems. One of my fundamental beliefs is that life gives each of us at least one gift we can use to touch lives, make a contribution, and to make income.

Ali BrownYou can use your life and work experience to help you create an amazing solution for others dealing with an issue you’ve faced. You see, what you have been through, what you have learned, and what you have come to feel passionately about may just be the root of a product, program, or service you can create to help others.

As a personal branding consultant, I work with individuals to help them package their unique mix of gifts — expertise, skills, big ideas — into solutions to others’ problems. Continue reading “3 Tips For Creating An Offering Around Your Expertise”

6 Traits All Innovative Leaders Share

AllBusiness. comEver wondered how the most innovative minds of today got to be so successful? It’s not just coincidence. They each possess qualities that allow them to think differently from the rest of the world—and you can have them too. Be modest enough to let those you lead influence you, and allow the team to feel a part of the contribution process.

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Ever wondered how the most innovative minds of today got to be so successful? It’s not just coincidence. They each possess qualities that allow them to think differently from the rest of the world—and you can have them too. Continue reading “6 Traits All Innovative Leaders Share”

5 New Business Ideas For Women And How To Arrange For Funds

Women have now taken a step forward in entrepreneurship. The outlooks for new businesses have surpassed the monopoly of jobs and services. Here are a few business ideas that would motivate more women to come forward in the field of business with an easy way of funding. Business in this field is never going to go away since women will always need haircuts and more.

addition searchWomen have now taken a step forward in entrepreneurship. The outlooks for new businesses have surpassed the monopoly of jobs and services. Here are a few business ideas that would motivate more women to come forward in the field of business with an easy way of funding. Continue reading “5 New Business Ideas For Women And How To Arrange For Funds”

Three Changes You Can Implement Today To Maximize Your Time

April 12, 2017 Leave a Comment This post may contain affiliate links. Please see our disclosure policy for further information. The adage “work smarter not harder” may seem like an easy limerick to quote when doling out advice, but for entrepreneurs—both established and aspiring—it must be a rule of life. In a time when self-starters are now inundated with opportunities, it can be overwhelming, and adhering to the age-old advice is even more important if for no other reason than sanity.

Advertise SimilarApril 12, 2017 Leave a Comment This post may contain affiliate links. Please see our disclosure policy for further information.

The adage “work smarter not harder” may seem like an easy limerick to quote when doling out advice, but for entrepreneurs—both established and aspiring—it must be a rule of life. Continue reading “Three Changes You Can Implement Today To Maximize Your Time”

The Most Important Metrics For Monitoring An Omni-Channel Sales Strategy

AllBusiness. comThe adoption rate for an omni-channel sales strategy has been wildly inconsistent in the B2B world until very recently. Some companies made the transition a key part of their strategy over a decade ago, while other organizations still depend largely on their channels as separate and distinct experiences. The old paradigm is finally giving way, however.

The adoption rate for an omni-channel sales strategy has been wildly inconsistent in the B2B world until very recently. Some companies made the transition a key part of their strategy over a decade ago, while other organizations still depend largely on their channels as separate and distinct experiences. Continue reading “The Most Important Metrics For Monitoring An Omni-Channel Sales Strategy”

Remote Jobs That Don’t Involve Customer Service

April 13, 2017 1 Comment This post may contain affiliate links. Please see our disclosure policy for further information. There is no doubt about it. Work-at-home customer service jobs are plentiful.

cellular telephoneApril 13, 2017 1 Comment This post may contain affiliate links. Please see our disclosure policy for further information.

There is no doubt about it. Continue reading “Remote Jobs That Don’t Involve Customer Service”

These Technologies Can Help Your Small Business Stay Competitive

AllBusiness. comIf you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the rise of small business-focused tools and technology over the past few years, particularly when it comes to sales and marketing. While many of the tenets of small business success remain constant—hard work, good planning, access to capital—technology can be a bit of a moving target. Frankly, it can be a real challenge just trying to keep up with the latest software and devices; things seem to change so quickly!Technology has revolutionized the way we do business and it’s already ushering in a fourth industrial revolution that will bring with it unprecedented levels of automation and artificial intelligence.

If you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the rise of small business-focused tools and technology over the past few years, particularly when it comes to sales and marketing. While many of the tenets of small business success remain constant—hard work, good planning, access to capital—technology can be a bit of a moving target. Continue reading “These Technologies Can Help Your Small Business Stay Competitive”

Registering A Trademark – FAQs

Q: What is a trademark?A: A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design (or a combination of any of these) that identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes it from competitors. Q: What can be trademarked?A: Trademark registration can be granted on distinctive names, logos and slogans. You might want to seek a trademark for a product name, company name, company logo, or tagline. For example, “Nike”, the Nike swoosh design, and “Just Do It” are all trademarks owned by Nike to distinguish their products from other athletic companies.

888-449-2638Q: What is a trademark?
A: A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design (or a combination of any of these) that identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes it from competitors.

Q: What can be trademarked?
A: Trademark registration can be granted on distinctive names, logos and slogans. You might want to seek a trademark for a product name, company name, company logo, or tagline. Continue reading “Registering A Trademark – FAQs”

How Bad Credit Can Affect Your Business

AllBusiness. comWe all know that bad credit scores can wreak havoc with our personal finances, leading to higher interest rates on mortgages, car loans, and much more.  But despite the fact that business credit and personal credit are separate scores, many first-time entrepreneurs still make the critical mistake of thinking that personal credit won’t affect their businesses.  In reality, the exact opposite is often true.

We all know that bad credit scores can wreak havoc with our personal finances, leading to higher interest rates on mortgages, car loans, and much more. But despite the fact that business credit and personal credit are separate scores, many first-time entrepreneurs still make the critical mistake of thinking that personal credit won’t affect their businesses. Continue reading “How Bad Credit Can Affect Your Business”

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